Magpie Catering & Cafe
1409 R Street
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 452-7594
Woot! It's my birthday! We came to
Magpie back in August of this year and we loved it. For the basic rundown,
read the previous post. Usually we don't visit a place more than once in a year and very rarely within a few months. But what the hell - I got to pick so we came back.
Started off with the grilled artichoke again. That and a glass of $6 Barbera is my happy place! We took over a large section of the restaurant with our 15 people and just sort of table hopped o keep up with folks. Had a couple of first timers that were introduced as, " They're snarky. You'll like them. They drink!" - so true. They were a great addition!
Absolutely everything ordered was freaky tasty! The owner Ed, brought out some apps for us to try including a really delish baked squash & pumpkin dip served with crispy dark pita. Also had some kaffir lime beer that was good, but I can't remember what it was.
I swear they add crack to everything they make because it's all so good. Trout fettuccine, PEI mussels, winter veggie panini, mac 'n cheese with brussel sprouts, blue cheese & bacon, and once again the carrot cake cookie is perfection.
As a treat, Ed brought out some ice cream that he was experimenting with for us to try. Indian spices, saffron & pistachio. It was really interesting, almost cloyingly flavored on first taste (a lot like saffron or rose water ice cream), but it really developed in the second taste and was just irresistible on the third. Everyone finished theirs off.
Once again, Sluggy hit one out of the park with my birthday puppet, glasses and everything! She is a genius.
Journal tidbits:
"My mom had a Chanukah bush" - YourMom, the newcomer