Thursday, September 24, 2009
Jarla's House of Fun
Jarla recently went to Hawaii with her better half and cleaned her house since her mommy would be house sitting. So of course the place is just way to clean now. Enter a handful of drunks to get her house back to it's perfect balance!
We were a pretty small crowd this week, with only 8 drunks and 2 kids. Our potluck was very yummy with lots of choice items from Trader Joe's, and some very tasty cherry beer. Put on a little Eddie Izzard in the background and off you go!
The FirePig is now a couple of years old and and recently decided that we are okay and will serve his needs nicely (especially after he kept telling me to sit down. Apparently I wasn't allowed to leave anymore because I was entertaining.)
Eat. Chat. Drink. Repeat.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Dad's Kitchen
Sacramento, CA 95818-3855
(916) 443-3237
This place is a gem. Crammed into a tiny strip mall next to Freeport Bakery, you could pass it if you blinked. And when you walk in, it looks kind of like you are picking up your dry cleaning... Little counter, not visible tables. But if you walk pass the bathrooms it opens up to a neat little indoor seating area, tiny bar and backyard patio that makes you feel like you're hanging out at someones house.
That's the great part of this place. The service is good, with some attitude and personality that seems to be missing from a lot of places nowadays. And the food is 100% tasty comfort food on a very extensive menu. And since it's a neighborhood place there are lots of families and kids are welcome.
RobotGoBen & I showed up early with a couple of my coworkers (who don't have nicknames yet). One of them is friends with a couple of folks who work here, so when she ordered the habenero fries, extra hot - they sliced up some habeneros and threw them on top! Now, there are a few of us who love spicy food, but really? After a while if you picked off the chilies, the fry was still flaming hot cause it was touching them. They were smothered in blue cheese and worth the pain.
We were down a couple RosevilleBobs who were in Portland. The Slug family, et al and Hawaii Jarla. But the good doctors decided to bring the whole fam! We were out on the porch which was great, but it did get pretty damn dark after a while, with only twinkle lights and tealights to eat by...didn't really matter. The food was super delish and the have pitchers of PBR for $7, local two rivers cider and Monkey Knife Fight beer (they were out that night).
Overall it was one of those nights where quotes were flying, we got the staff to write in the journal (even got a taped in hot man picture), and it was just some good ole fashion fun.
Journal Tidbits:
"Oh, RobotGoBen can overcome his penis? I'm so proud!" - Coworker 1
"When it gets dark you have to touch it." - Scribby
"I would still take that moustache ride." - Coworker 2
"Neuticles: for the neutered male on the go." - Dr. Beacky
**SIDE BAR**: So days after we were there, the place shut down for a while (don't blame us!), because it had been sold along with the Dad's Sandwich Shop. The sandwich shop was sold to employees, and the kitchen was sold to someone else. It reopened about a week later and seems to be serving the same menu and they did rehire some of the staff, but not all of them. Overall it looks like they are trying to keep it the same, but you know how these things go, so we still mourn the loss of one of the coolest places we went. We will probably go back at some point and wish them well, but we're not holding our breathe. Call us cynical.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Fuddruckers - Citrus Heights
We were a small crowd this evening, Jarla & her better half are in Hawaii, so we hate them, Shooter's out of town and we will be down a Sluggy for a while because of her new work schedule, plus two sickies in her household. Anyhoo, those of us who did make it pigged out on delicious burgers!!! Oh, and we had a 5 year old guest star that stole the show.
If you've never been here, get over your preconception of the place and just come eat. You order your burger at the counter (they have everything from beef in may sizes to fish, turkey, bison & ostrich), they you get to add whatever toppings you want. They also have kick ass fried foods and a hot nacho cheese pump thingy, that you just can't resist. Booze is bottled beer and little plastic bottles of wine. The wine is well, out of a plastic bottle - what were you expecting it to taste like.
NakedBob went through a lot of trouble to organize our three tables into a red, gold, green pattern in honor of Boy George's song (now it's stuck in your head too). Boys watched some football, we shared the People of Walmart blog and ShitMyDadSays on twitter, check them both out, they rock.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Fox & Goose - Dr.'s Birthday
Sacramento, CA 95811-6519
(916) 443-8825
Recently returned to the greater Sacramento area, we celebrated the birth of the good Dr. Smooth. He left the kids & wife at home and came out for some good pub grub and Guinness at the Fox & Goose.
The food here is fabulous. You can get yourself a lovely plate of fish & chips, pasties, or a nut burger is you are feeling like an herbivore. Their black bean chili is to die for as well. Guinness (the original) and the "250" that harkens back to the original recipe were the favorites. There is a bit of a difference and it was fun to have both. Try it if you can, just so you know.
The Royal Bastards Scooter Club were there as well, so we were quite happy to have the Drunks & Bastards all in one place.
So being the adult that he is , Dr. Smooth promptly put on his gift of a Darth Vader mask and ordered his dinner from our waitress. Classy! We also had a great little Irish band start playing later, so another point to the Fox & Goose!
Journal Tidbits:
"Not everything goes down your dress Lexie." - Scribby
"Does cocksucker have a hyphen or is it one word?" - TheJenny
"More stealing your shit, less blowing this up." - Bump, on Quaddafi and old school terrorism.