Saucelito Canyon
3180 Biddle Ranch Rd
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
The Girl Contingent of the Thursday Drunks took a road trip to San Luis Obispo (SLO), to visit the Good Doctors and their wee little Fire Pig. One mini van, six girls and 1 1/2 hours til the wineries close.
Once the two kiddies were left with the unsuspecting dad, we piled into the mini-beast and Caddie did her best to burn out the tires. (Didn't really work to well on the asphalt, but it worked like a charm in the gravel!).
First stop: Tolosa. Very grandiose, a little sterile, not real friendly - oh, and the wines were meh. (aka blah. uninspiring. we had no feelings for it. doesn't deserve a link).
Second stop: Edna Valley. Gorgeous view, better wines, nice staff. Generally okay, but better than the first. It gets a link.
Third stop: Saucelito Canyon. Tiny little tasting room, really nice wines, and fabulous staff!
We are so lucky we stumbled across this place. Really, we had 1o minutes to get to a winery and this one was the closest to Edna Valley. The two women working there were the SLO Wine Goddesses. Fun, real, friendly - people you could go drinking with! They liked our Thursday Drunks drinking model and lamented the fact that they don't have one in SLO. If they ever set one up, we are coming down. And if they are ever up this way, we will so invite them!
They were so rad, they even poured a bunch of corks into a bag for TJ to take home to her cork covered flower bed (as seen in this BBQ at the Bobs post).
And, Wine Goddesses, if you are reading this: The place in Paris that everyone must go to for uber-fun drinky dinner is...
Le Refuge des Fondus
17 rue des 3 Frères, 75018
Metro: Abbesses
Tel: 01 42 55 22 65
17 rue des 3 Frères, 75018
Metro: Abbesses
Tel: 01 42 55 22 65

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