A small contingent of the Thursday Drunks packed up the Volvo and headed into San Francisco for Lebowski Fest. This is the first time they had it in SF, and we wouldn't have missed it for the world!
What is Lebowski Fest? You should be ashamed to ask.
The Big Lebowski is one of the funniest movies out there with an extreme cult following. Based on Jeff Dowd, a real life guy, it is just hysterical. There is bowling, nihilists, a severed toe, oat soda, carpet peeing, crazy ex-Nam psychos and so much more. Do yourself a favor and get yourself some. It's a mainstay of Thursday Drunks culture.
The opening night of Lebowski Fest (which is what we went to), was at the Mezzanine. The club is quite large, nicely arranged with a upstairs lounge, 4 bars and the largest, cleanest girls bathroom I have ever seen in a club!
The fun started as soon as we got in line. Lebowski quotes were flying, everyone was talking to everyone else, a guy walked by with a rug - it was awesome. As one lady put it, "It's about as dorky as a Star Wars event, but with more booze". Once we got in we ordered ourselves a couple of Caucasian and an oat soda and scored a nice spot in the lounge. Patti our bartender rocked.
First band: Meshugga Beach Party - Jewish surf rock. They were awesome!
Second band: The Dead Hensons - Muppet and Sesame Street cover band. Opened with 1,2,3,4,5..6,7,8,9,10....11,12.
Third band: Extra-Action Marching Band - Most kick-ass marching band you will ever see with hot girls. Check out the video for a small taste.
Seriously, each band was fantastic, and I didn't think the next one could be better, but they just kept rocking more!

The highlight of the evening was when Shooter & RobotGoBen met Jeff Dowd. He was just what you would expect...having a great time, talking to everyone. Awesome!

And, if that it's good enough - we won the damn raffle!!! With tickets that some other loser, who left early, left on the table. That's right! The last raffle item of the night and we won it with someone elses tickets. Rock on! We are now proud co-owners of the 10th anniversary DVD that is in a bowling ball!
Once the movie started the place was on fire! Hundreds of people screaming out the lines as the movie played. We watched some of it, but it just couldn't top what we had already done that evening. "It's like Rocky Horror with less transvestites".
The swag table was fantastic as well. Every quote you can imagine on a bumper sticker. We bought plenty. The weekend went on without us, but if they ever do this again in SF, we are there, and we are dragging everyone with us!
Mark it 8 Dude!

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