801 14th St
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 441-3000
This Thursday found us at Brew It Up! in Sacramento. We were down one Scribby and one RobotGoBen who were going to attend David Sedaris at the Memorial Auditorium that evening. The made an appearance at the beginning of dinner (after themselves eating at Brew It Up!, they have to eat too). Jarla and her better half were in attendance, TheRiddler and his missus, Cap'n, Sluggy, little Wednesday, Nairby, Shooter, NakedBob and TheJenny were all there rounding out the very long table.
Topics of conversation: what to name our mascot (Thurston, thank you TheRiddler' missus!), new James Bond movie, how happy we are the Bush's days are numbered, our stripper names (courtesy of an iPhone applet), glasses, horrible Sara Palin jokes, and other scintillating topics.
Mmmmm. The food is delicious here. Even more than it has been in the past. To their credit they had a Apple/Pomegranate Cider on tap and they also offer a Shandy. Hooray for lady drinks! The boys enjoyed their various German-style beers. Shooter, NakedBob and Nairby were particularly happy. All the food was good. Super gourmet deluxe sandwiches and hamburgers. The blue cheese potato chips got totally inhaled. Nummies.
Our server was a super ace pro stud. She ought to give lessons to all the peeps out there pretending to be waitstaff. Someday when we win the lottery, we'll bring her along as our professional server. She can wait our table wherever we go, so we know the service won't suck. Actually with skills like hers she probably won't be a server for much longer. She'll get snatched up by some head hunter and be running the show somewheres. Anyway, did I mention the service was just this side of awesome?
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