A small crew joined in the viewing of Star Trek this Thursday. Mr.Chem, Jarla, TheJenny, NakedBob, and a couple of trusty co-workers of TheJenny, Kri$$y and Jo$hDog. The theater was not packed, but pleasantly full for a Thursday evening. It was my second viewing of the movie and I enjoyed it even more.
Disclaimer: TheJenny loves Star Trek more than most things. In my book it goes NakedBob, gray cat, and Star Trek. Here is my unsolicited list of comments and recommendations.
- Goddamn the ship looks good. It looks great on the inside, and I'll agree, kinda like an Apple store, but it looks downright sexxy on the outside. I got goosebumps everytime they did a wide panoramic shot of the thing. My favorite character. She had such a presence.
- The casting was spectacular. New Kirk was a bit too smirky, but he has time to grow up. Which is fine, that's the idea, right? McCoy was pitch-perfect and cranky as all get out. New Spock is great. Little kid Spock was the cutest I've ever seen. Uhura is fab. Looked good kissing Spock (more on that later). Liked the nice solid role they gave to Sulu. Checkov was vvvonderful. Scotty, sublime, but they shouldn't rely too much on him as comic relief. Scotty is a brilliant engineer, let's not ever forget that (hello, transparent aluminum!?). My only complaint was that the guy they got to play Sarek didn't really look like original Sarek, but he's a c-list character, totally minor complaint, so whatevs.
- Classic Spock. I love him. I love him even more now that he's a little old and a bit frail. But still so Spock. The audience got a bit more quiet and a lot more attentive every time he was onscreen.
- Lens flares. These were overused in my opinion. Yea, we're in space, lots of shiny things, there's a lot of glare, I get it. Now stop. If I want rainbows in my face, I'll play with Photoshop.
- That critter Scotty hangs out with has got to go. Remember Jar Jar Binks. Yea. Go ask George Lucas if that was a good idea. Put it out the airlock now.
- Spock/Uhura romance. I like it. Because I'm a girl. And what girl hasn't wanted to be the one that Spock actually likes. And they're both beautiful people that look good kissing each other. BUT... Original Star Trek was all about Kirk and Spock and the love they had for the ship, the mission, and each other. The classic bromance. And since I've been re-watching all the originals, I must say, their relationship is a special thing. The series would only suffer from a long term chick (Yoko?).
- And a word to the future. JJ and crew did an exceptional job in rebooting the franchise and making way for new adventures. DO NOT bring back old moldy storylines including Kahn. Let Ricardo rest in peace. His pecs will never be matched. Boldly go where no Trek franchise has gone before.
All in all, I hope everyone who has an interest sees it in the theater. This might just be the action movie of the year. Sorry to fly in the face of those of you who are eagerly anticipating Terminator, but I'm really personally sick of Christian Bale's new "deep" voice. And the primadonna tirade on the set didn't help him either. Whether it was warranted or not.
(I can't believe you read that whole thing.)
See you next Thursday.
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