(916) 452-7594

Fine organized drinking since 2003.
Oh, it's the birthday of Captain Crabby Pants!!! Oh yes it is!!! He loves him some Chicago Fire so we are back.
It's the Thursday Market season in old Folsom so we were expecting the worst. To our happy surprise, their parking garage is now open and it's only $2. AND it's a donation to the Folsom Museum. Well alright, you have yourself a deal!
We ordered the birthday boy a Sassy Pants which was just really good vodka and a lot of sugar. But he drank it with girlie flair.
The food in this joint never disappoints. We had a little bit of everything. Some super crispy thin crust, dough and delicious deep dish and the heart attack stuffed pizza. All were outstanding and we rolled out of there. Also had some salads (all were good) and an artichoke that is so good, I never want to know how they make it.
Boys drank beer, girls drank the usual Slug Gulch Red. Gifts and recycle greeting cards were handed around and Crabby got one hell of a handmade puppet! Sluggy, you rock!
Noteworthy news today was the death of John Hughes. If you never met us, you would instantly know our age by the fact that John Hughes movies were pretty much formative to our personalities. It's a sad day and we've lost a little bit of our misunderstood adolescence.
RIP John Hughes
"Life moves pretty fast. You don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." - Ferris Beuller, Ferris Beuller's Day Off
"We're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all." - Andrew, Breakfast Club