Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 987-5797
(In the melody of Barry Manalow's Oh Mandy"
"Oh Nairby, you can and you brought me a turkey,
And I sent you away! Oh Nairby,
You're a dirty slut, dirty slut monkey,
And you're crappy and lame, Oh Nairby."
We love our Nairby. He just might be the best of we must ridicule him with our lovingly crafted song.
El Pueblo is in a little shopping center in Folsom and has a bar in the back of what sort of seems like should be a store front. It's a little odd but the people were nice and the food was tasty. Weird thing is they only used the ass-end of the limes to garnish their margaritas.
Nairb has a fabulous birthday request.
1) go to Bevmo
2) buy some of your favorite booze
3) drink said booze
4) write a limerick or draw a picture about the booze drinking in honor of his birthday.
There once was a Jenny from Nantucket
Who kept all her rum in a bucket
Some felt that was queer
and said they'd much prefer beer
But if you don't like rum, you can suck it
- The Jenny
There once was a Bob who drank Jack
Because it puts hair on his back
When going to raves
He felt he needed to shave
So th metros won't give him no flack
- Naked Bob
My oh my that's a mighty fine brew
It gets me drunk but it don't make me spew
Without Dale's Pale Ale
I surely would fail
To say happy birthday to you
- The Other Ben
"They put whipped cream on my pina colada...bitchin'!" - the Canadian

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