1221 Alhambra Blvd # 107
Sacramento, CA 95816
(916) 731-4637
Jarla was born in a rickety barn, so the legend says. And for the celebration of her birth, she chose Cafe Morocco. We had a super full house! All the regulars, plus Slug, Crab & Lexie were back. Frankenstein and friends of Mr. Chem were there for a total of 14 drunks!
First off our waitress was kick-ass! Very friendly, sassy, and poured some full glasses of wine. Even offered the birthday girl a top-off on her wine. Nice! I swear if you are nice and fun, we will enjoy just about all of the rest, no matter what happens!
The garlic chicken, chicken sumac and tagine seemed to be the hot items for the night. All of them were good, along with one of my favorite soups in the Sacramento area. So good.
We were having such a nice (loud) time that we actually drove a couple away. We are sorry. We are just too fun for others some times.
Our waitress, Tina, even signed our journal... even though we scared people off we are in her top five nights at the Cafe Morocco. Nice!
Journal Tidbits:
Don't put it there...it'll hurt." - TheJenny
PS. Sluggy made a Jarla puppet (a la the muppets), in honor of her birthday. It was so cute!
PPS. Dear god drunks! Send me some damn pictures for this damn blog!!! How will people skim my writing with no photo payoff at the end?
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