So. We met up at the Folsom Theaters to see a little Hellboy sequel. The plan was, popcorn for dinner, bring your own booze and see a (hopefully)great movie.
Popcorn for dinner was okay. Boys ate hot dogs, and NakedBob commented that he could have made a xylophone out of it. It was just that delicious...oh, I mean hard as a rock.
Drinks were better... This was our drink menu: Rum & coke, peach vodka & sprite, Brazilian rum (cachaca) and sprite. And Sluggy brought a flask of Chardonnay. Really. She didn't want it to go to waste! She left her Crabby & baby Wednesday at home - mom's night out!
Premovie crap was just that, crap. I don't care about the Cleaner on TNT, nobody does. Also, the audio levels in that theatre were atrocious! From super loud to very quiet and back within about 30 seconds. Felt like you were in some sort of sensory deprivation room.
Movie rocked. I think it was better than the first one, a little more fantasy, many more cool creatures - but all that is right up my alley. Totally enjoyed it, and want to see it again already.
Best line: Hellboy is getting pissed drinking cheap beer, Abe is lamenting his love sick heart. Hellboy offers Abe a beer.
Abe - "But my body is a temple!"
Hellboy - "Well, now it's an amusement park."
Journal tidbit:
Scribby - "I can't taste my alcohol."
Three drunks in unison - "Keep pouring!"
Full moon on the way home.
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