614 Sutter Street
Folsom, CA 95630-2573
(916) 353-0140
The birthday of Mr. Chem was a lovely evening out at the Folsom version of Chicago Fire. We have been here a lot...
Crabby's birthday August 2009
Nairb's birthday April 2009
Crabby's birthday August 2008
Can you tell boys like pizza? I can't really argue because their thin crust and stuffed pizza are really delicious. Salads are tasting, nice beer & wine selection and a kick ass artichoke that has been soaked in butter and Parmesan cheese...can't really be bad, right?
Mr. Chem was nice enough to ask for donations to Toys for Tots in lieu of gifts. Hence the wooden train set in the photo below. There was a whole SmartCar trunk full of gifts that were donated! But those Superman undies were all his!
Journal tidbit:
"NakedBob knows that a stranger is just a person he hasn't frightened yet."

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