Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rivercats Baseball at Raley Field

400 Ball Park Dr
West Sacramento, CA 95691-2824
(916) 376-4700

I'm not going to lie, I know nothing about baseball. What I do know is that for $20, you can hang out with your friends, eat tasty stadium food, have some beer and enjoy a warm spring evening in a great ballpark.

Who did we play? I have no idea. I do know that by the 2nd inning (look, I know a word!), the other team had scored 10 runs. And that's when I checked out and got some more food.

There was a smaller crowd of just seven drunks, but with $2 beer night in effect and Blue Moon on tap, we were having all sorts of fun. If you doubt the copious amounts of food we consumed, here is the list:

gourmet nachos
regular nachos
cotton candy
3 corn dogs
3 pretzels
hot dog
merlino's fruit freeze
2 glass of Blue Moon
10 glass of $2 Bud Light

The drinking was on the low side, but in our defense we had a pregnant drunk who was not pulling her weight.

Shooter was by far the most informed baseball fan and every time he shouted something odd, we had to have him explain it to the rest of us. My favorite... "Can of corn!"

Play ball!

-- Post From My iPhone

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