Friday, January 9, 2009

Fudd Ruckers

5495 Sunrise Blvd
Citrus Heights, CA
(916) 966-1887

We love the movie Idiocracy. It is a funny (and scary) look at the degradation of language, culture and well...intelligence. Anyhoo. In the movie the Fudd Ruckers franchise has devolved into a rear entry descriptor and no one notices. Priceless.

So, we find ourselves at Fudd Ruckers, and I have to say, I am skeptical. I've never eaten there, and didn't have a shred of an idea about it.

RobotGoBen & I showed up early. We walked up to the counter and ordered a basket of rings and a couple of beers from Angelo. Walked around to get a feel and picked out a table. While waiting for the group we started to realize that we could never hate this place. There is just rows of stuff to put on your burger. Just from memory: leaf lettuce, shredded lettuce, pickles, relish, tomatoes, red onion, white onion, wax peppers, japalenos, every condiment you could want and the best -- giant self-serve, eternally hot nacho cheese with a hand pump. What's not to like!

We were down a Jarla, Sluggy, Crabby & Lexie, but up a Bumpy, Frankenstein & his bride. And we got to talk to Nairb about all his lovely crafty gifts that we left for him. He hasn't seen the porn table in the light of day yet, when it's at its most resplendent. Yup. Resplendent.

Frankie's bride dropped off a bag of crafty bits last week, so as a thank you we made them a pair of beer cozies. And they used them the whole night! We are so proud.

Back to the food. Their rings are fantastic. You order whatever burger you want and dress it up how you like. And they have buffalo & ostrich! I love ostrich! Oh, and it was gigantic. Angelo, who works the counter, obviously runs the place. Super nice, very helpful and concerned that you are happy. The only down side is that it takes a while to get your food and they forgot Nairb's altogether. But you want to like this place since it seems run by actual people. Overall, we approve.

We added a couple more notes from Gavin's "Door Knob Bandit". Still don't know who it is.
Journal Tidbits:
"They day I can't break a $100 is the day I go out of business!" - Angelo, owner of Fudd Ruckers
"Everyone is going to want that freakin' porn table!" - Scribby

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